KOOOKIE MONSTERRRR!!~*nyam nyam nyam* lol..we saw this in the hospital cafe..good stuff this hospital has!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
KOOOKIE MONSTERRRR!!~*nyam nyam nyam* lol..we saw this in the hospital cafe..good stuff this hospital has!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Puppy Love!
yes yes, i really have not been updating my blog!haha..isn't that ALWAYS the case?
Titus is a german shepherd, just like my current dog , Jess=)
so yeah..a big welcome to Titus!!woot! he has been adjusting quite well with a few hickups here and there but he's doing fine=)haha..okok..till my next post..i'll post a few more pics later!!
Saturday, February 2, 2008
and yes, we still do silly things!
and we still try to look good!
lol...I pray that you will continue to learn to grow in God! We've come soo far from last time, and i'm glad that God opened up our eyes to see what matters, and what he has brought us through!
okay trying not to sound tooo gay..haha..but yeah, lets keep on anticipating to see God fulfill what He has envisioned in our hearts!!
Have a Great ONE!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
once again...THANK YOUUU GUYS!!!!
erm..okay as most of you know..i've been busy as always..and i kinda neglected my blog..if you wanna know what i've been busy with..head down to http://www.shirts4real.com/ . We've been busy doing corporate work and coming up with new designs for our retail line!
well..ermm..zooming back to recent events..is the much "anticipated" quiksilver revolution tour 2.0..lol..here are some pictures!