Tuesday, August 7, 2007


"Perfect in weakness,I'm only, perfect in just Your strength alone, i'm only, running in just Your strength alone"...

there's really nothing much i can say about what i'm going through these days..
so for those of you out there who are experiencing crappy days..and things really seem bad..
dont give up..instead give everything to God..its hard..its really hard..and i have to constantly remind myself of who i'm living for..
its not like if you say that you uphold everything to God then you wont have anything to worry about and the pain and hurt will go away..i guess thats where faith comes in..

trust God with your life and just fall..trust Him to be the one to save you..

I'm trusting..


Sarah said...

totally agreed! i cannot agree more to what you wrote there. faith =) and thats where we're often tested. sucks but true.

Brian said...

yeah..really crappy man..i guess if there's someone you know thats going through the same thing you could encourage them la ya?in their negative state they may not really respond..i know i wouldnt but i guess the key thing is prayer..and loadsa encouragement..God knows i need some..heh..emoooooo~

ps:yay!sarah reads my blog!haha..(l.o.a)

Sarah said...

yupp, encouragement is real good. though sometimes its not welcomed but i guess its nice to know that there's someone there who's constantly supporting and encouraging you at the same time. importance of good friends =)

haha, yes brian. i read your blog. hahaha. =)

julialow said...

Jeremiah 33:3
"Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and might things you do not know."

i know you'll pull through! :) God loves you too much to leave you like that!

Brian said...

thanks ju=)